Revision as of 14:00, August 21, 2006 by Gamekid (Talk | contribs)

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You're the man now
Preview image
Creator: Max
Created on: July 6, 2001
Sound origin: Finding Forrester trailer
Image origin: Google Images
Profile is the the first YTMND site ever created. In 2001, Max Goldberg registered the domain name after hearing Sean Connery say the phrase in the trailer for Finding Forrester. When it was first registered, it showed a white over black ASCII artwork of the words "YOURE THE MAN NOW DOG DOT COM" [1]. It wasn't until winter when it was changed to a tiled image of Sean Connery, with a looped sound clip of Connery saying "You're the man now, dog!"


In pre-YTMNDs days (between 2001 and 2004), the way to make your own YTMND was to modify the original site and host it on your own server. Some people told max about their "spinoffs" and Max copied them to a folder called contrib. Some of them simply copied the original code, only changing the sound, image and text (in the same way YTMNDs are made). However, some went out of their way to completely change the page, while keeping the same feel by changing font faces, zoom directions and text colors. The best example of this is Get Your Ass To

ASCII artwork

                           ___           ___           ___           ___                     
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     \/__/         \/__/           \/__/                \/__/         \/__/         \/__/   

Related YTMNDs

  • yourethemannowdog - The YTMND redirects to.
  • oldschoolytmnd - A reproduction of the original YTMND (the ascii text is converted to an image)