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Here is a epic story i wrote that is nothing like the TV show Lost in any way. SO herz my story, written by James Rolfe the Angry Video Game Nerd:

The Trainwreck of the Time Monster Part 1

After the reclusive billionaire Marshall Darthweather built the world’s longest railroad track in 2009 50 random people rode the train around the entire continent of North American territory from the bottom of Mexico with the destination of the North Pole. When the train reached the North Pole it turned around but this time took a more sinister route back to Mexico through the undiscovered mountain range beneath the North Pole, but nobody ever made it back to Mexico.

The 50 random people were all on their own vacations to Mexico and needed to go home when the fun was over so they all boarded the hightly technological train because the train’s track was so long it could drop them off near each of their towns all across America. The mountains rumbled as if the rocks and dirt hated the train and was about to wreck it off the tracks.

The train wrecked under a mountain when the train took a mountain corner too fast and rolled down the mountain into the undiscovered mountain range beneath the North Pole. When the train stopped rolling 18 people died leaving almost 48 shipwrecked survivors in the area that should have been the earth’s snowy icecap, but there was no snow in the secret mountains, instead there was a jungle with animals that could be heard through the trees and bushes. Jacob Leads the lawyer man rose up as the leader and saved 30 people from burning. Jacob was shocked at how the train had rolled off a mountain under the North Pole and ended up in a mysterious jungle tropics that was in the middle of the ice cap that surrounds the North Pole. There was something everywhere in that place that nobody could understand and everyone agreed.

“This is fletchatory MADNESS!” Shouted Jacob into the steam jungle air when he screamed “Damn you Mr. Darthweather! And damn your failed experiment the longest train!!” with all the might from his chest. Suddenly Jackie the secretive woman looked into the eyes of Jacob and she could tell he was the leader and everything was different from the moment she understood him. Someone once said love was in the air and could be tasted by everyone but the taste was bittersweets because how did they get here, how will they survive in the arctic jungle?

“Marshall Darthweather must roll in his grave” said Laurence the survivor who had spent time in prison before. “Wait!” said Jacob to Laurence and Jacob discovered the fact that “Darthweather is not dead, he is alive and if my instincts tell me right I think he may have been conducting the train and escaped to a hiding place just before the train wrecked” said Jacob in response to the frightening words he himself had just spoken! Everybody cursed with all their might and decided to build a camp using materials they found from the trainwreck and Jacob decided what to do next.

“I don’t like you” said the rebellious Laurence to Jacob. Laurence began a speech when he said “you think you’re the leader right away but when I was in prison I learned to trust no one and to trust my gut and I can’t trust you Jacob because only I have my gut inside of me.” Jacob knew exactly what to say when he said “If you don’t like me then go build a tent a small distance from the camp and don’t try anything tricky or nobody will help you when you need it.”

Suddenly Jackie proved how secretive of a woman she really was when she said “everyone stop and listen to what I have to say!” And this is what she said: I have a gun.

Nobody moved at the sight of the silvery black hand machine gun held by Jackie under the sun, under the mountains, under the heart she could not deny for Jacob. “Where did you get that?” grizzled Jacob and Jackie said nothing except a bang from the gun into the sky. The bullet cut through the hot air of the sky and went right through the hot bubble of the rainforest and exploded when it hit the icy air above the oasis island mystery they were stranded in. Jackie pointed out that bullets explode when they go from too hot to too cold, and things in the jungle were getting hotter than global warming times infinity.

Where did Jackie get the gun and why did a monster become angered by the gun noise? The monster emerged from all directions and flew through the air like it was a cloud of red gas. Jacob pointed to the camp made from trainwreck and everyone followed Jacob to the camp and escaped from the gas monster. The gas monster killed the train conductor, who was not Marshall Darthweather but he looked like him from behind when he wore his conductor hat.

“Wait!” cried Jacob to his army minus Laurence. And he asked the important question: If the train conductor wasn’t the evil Mr. Darthweather, then who is buried in Marshall Darthweather’s grave?! And why is there the HOT jungle in the middle of the COLD icecap?!!!”

…to be continued.