YTMND:Private Messaging
Private messages are a new feature recently added to YTMND by syncan which allow users to message each other from the main site, just as they could on the forum. Users are able to send messages to people from their profiles, site profiles and by typing their name directly into the "To" field, up to six at a time (by using a comma between names). A block option has been added to prevent and deal with harrassment. Users have the option of blocking others by clicking "block user" from the message window. This disallows any further messaging from that user. The envelope icon used when all messages are read looks like and looks like this
when a user receives a message .
Max's PM to All Users
“While I am probably going to get thousand of responses to this message, I thought I'd send out a note to let everyone know about the new private message system.
You are now able to send messages to people from their profiles, site profiles and by typing their name directly into the "To" field. You can send a single message to up to six people at a time by using a comma between names. In the case that you are being harassed you can block users from sending you further messages by clicking "block user" from the message window.
I'm going to add some rich text and possibly attachment/image features in the near future, but we want to make sure it all works before we get too excited. Mess around with it and see if you can break anything. This opens a whole new window up for YTMND to allow us to send users notifications when people they like make sites or when keywords are used in a new site. The possibilities are almost endless.
That being said, enjoy (but don't abuse) the new feature. Any bugs are syncan's fault so if you encounter an issue, send it to both of us but blame him.
- -Max”