A site made by Kassius that got redistributed by max to typogra. The ownership of this domain is still hotly contended.
[hide]History was originally a noise site made by Kassius. Its original contents can be seen at , thanks to someone catching Google's cache of the site. A member of #WOP named fanfare was in WOP one night and noticed that Max was in the channel. Fanfare expressed distate for Kassius' site. Max deleted Kassius's site, freeing the domain. Typogra and Jizzrag both attempted to grab the domain, and typogra won, securing the domain. Typogra later replaced the placeholder picture with a picture of Fanfare and a loop of "Champions" by Queen.
This move enraged Kassius and much of the FPA, and brought an extreme reaction. Kassius made in complaint, and it got sponsored by Kalishinko and, inexplicably, typogra. FPAers have theorized that she sponsored it using modhax (meaning, no money was actually given to YTMND) so that it would receive downvotes. Fanfare has denied this. Other parody sites were made of the event, including and At least two FPAers sent PMs to max about it. Kassius accused max of becoming what he hated, a reference to the events surrounding RubilacEx left almost 500 comments in spam on and spammed typogra's inbox with at least 20 PMs. HeatherChandler insulted max to his face in the YTMND news post, accusing him of doing 9/11, a colloquialism of the internets meaning "you Jewed Kassius out of his site." She claims these statements were not meant to be Anti-Semitic, but pictures of her going down on Adolf Eichmann do not lend credence to her story.
A deal?
Max left the comment on "Get this above a 4.0 in 72 hours, and I can get your domain back." Within an hour it rose to 4.04. The next day, it fell below 3.99. There arose some controversy over whether Max meant within 72 hours or at the 72-hour mark. After 72 hours had passed, Max left the comment "What you don't realize is that typogra is a guy, making the whole thing funnier" instead of clearing up the situation.
The situation is ongoing and unresolved. FPAers are gradually coming to believe max will never clear up the situation.
A line Crossed
Kassius will not be making any more ytmnds until the return of his ytmnd, as stated in Poland 3kit
Sites Concerned With the Situation