
Revision as of 01:44, June 10, 2007 by Connor (Talk | contribs)

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Please put responses to my evil talk page here. Edit only between those two lines.

Edit between here. --- Connor 02:44, June 10, 2007 (CDT)

Date of first site
unknown, created unknown date
Avg. site rating: ***
Avg. vote rate: **** of 1/25/07
Notable Sites:
Other info:
Totally unpopular

Connor, the grand stickman idiot

Connor is a user that has joined in the late 2005s. His first YTMND Catzilla, was a complete failure, so he has deleted it. He deleted several of his sites which were screenshots of YTMND and its problems back then. He then made a bunch of stick man YTMNDs, such as Stick Man Head Switch, or Random Stick man battle. It can be raw humor to some YTMNDers. Therefore, he doesn't have good sites.

The Ways of the YTMNDer

Connor may downvote anything that consists of pornography, racism, ect due to his religional beliefs. He also doesn't like plagarism too well, so he may lower the rating on some YTMNDs if they don't have thier sources cited or they are cited incorrectly, which brought him to hating Dr-L337. Unless it is Poland or something simular like KHANtmnd, he'll downvote uncited things. This religion does not consist of christianity.

Otherwise, he does upvote plenty of things. And its a very high chance he will *FAV!* a Cat on a keyboard in space site, unless it involves COAKIS being blown up.


Connor used to play Runescape, he was even a Player mod, due to his following of the rules and reporting players who arn't following the rules at all. However, everyone has to get tired of playing a game every once in a while. (If you dare vandalize my page just because I admitted I was a runescapian, expect me to downvote all your sites.)

Connor is making games with a program called The Games Factory, although its slightly out of date.

YTMND Ventrillo

Connor doesn't like the conversations on there, (too much racism) do not encourage Connor to join YTMND Ventrillo. Not like he has a microphone anyways.


I'm probably sure the conversations on here are as bad as the ones in Ventrillo. And besides, Connor doesn't have the program to run it.


Hey Nux, if you dare vandalize my page again, then go kill yourself.

Template Crap

Yes, template crap. Enjoy.

Userbox05er.jpg This user joined YTMND in 2005.
Yayfads45.jpg This user believes Fads on YTMND are a good thing.
2024-12-19 08:20:12
max *
this userpage is sh*t on so many levels. +1

[reply] [+|-]

Bushpoland.jpg 30 seconds! Well, actually this user remembered Poland!
Male45.jpg This user is Male.
US45.jpg This user is American
NESpad45.jpg This user is a Gamer.
Nedryahaha.jpg This user said the magic word!