NARVs are NOT synonymic with upvoters/downvoters/midvoters or comment spammers
[hide]- 1 JoshCube2
- 2 dr-l337 and ollj
- 3 Steve Irwin
- 5 spotting a narv
- 6 This is Not a Downvoters List
- 7 ollj/sexymofo
- 8 NEDM belongs here
- 9 Sup fellow narv-haters
- 10 lol, ego-feeding
- 11 Design on this page
- 12 Notice
- 13 Specifacation Of Whom Exactly Is A NARV
- 14 Music Taste
- 15 More voting classification?
- 16 "NARV" is dumb
- 17 I've Been Shown the Light
- 18 Another NARV?
- 19 Why I added NEDM
- 20 Category: NARVish Fads
- 21 Proof the NARVs have taken over
- 22 What would you say about this guy?
- 23 Asscock
- 24 wop
- 25 Where's max?
- 26 GOSFreak
- 27 beast404
- 28 momthinksimcool
- 29 TwistedBarney... Narv? Or somthing else?
- 30 TheManWithNoFace
- 31 BubbytheTourG
- 32 LazyNG
- 33 ballsmandude
- 34 macio
- 35 NARV concept is shit
- 36 sonicrocks?
- 37 This page makes the entire ytmndwiki into a joke
- 38 cooke
- 39 Who removed Iambatman?
- 40 coolchick1794?
- 41 I just found out what a NARV is, and I am # 14 on the list...
- 42 buttlover possible NARV?
- 43 Does anyone mind if I?
JoshCube2 has made 51 total votes with an average rating of 1. Copy/Pastes the same unfunny comment to all of his votes:
how about you read the top of this Talk Page, its in bold for a reason: "NARVs are NOT synonymic with upvoters/downvoters/midvoters or comment spammers" - MasterSitsu, March 19, 07
Joshcube goes under "trolls", not NARVS. --Rylasasin 20:00, June 17, 2007 (CDT)
dr-l337 and ollj
dr-l337 isnt a narv. I would say he's more of an experimental account. He's actually an alt of a well known user. I would strongly reccomend adding ollj. Sure, as even as his vote spread may be, he steals, downvotes out of revenge, and when he did have control over wiki, all of his articles were shit.
I think enough of us now know who dr-l337 is that i wonder why that particular user doesnt just admit it. i mean he's made it rather obvious, and is moderately to well known enough that i thought more regular users would have guessed. anyways i agree not a NARV mainly becuase I know better. In a different time I'd YTMND Police that but I dont particularly care :P - ollj is on the Parasite wiki, and thats a bigger insult than NARV to me, and good enough - and more appropriate.... - MasterSitsu, Sept 15
^There you have it folks. Classifications such as NARV and Parasite are not objective, but rather a tool to inflate one's ego.
Steve Irwin
Seriously. It's the new NARV bait. Recently died down since his death, but I'm still seeing LOL, Stingray YTMNDs. Usually sites that are stolen with new crap music, or new forms of crap of the crap. Should it be added to the fad list?
Oh and got a NARV. Dr-L337, he's defiantly a NARV. Zepear
Dr-L337 isnt all he appears to be.... he's a borderline gimmick character who just so happens to split vote.
Didn't put him down. He doesn't vote like one, yet his YTMNDs are on the NARV side. Some comments at times, ect. Also, there should be a famousers list as they're called. Check this guy out. ErisFur
perhaps you should add this person:
He downvotes good sites, upvotes crap sites, uneven vote spread, and all of his sites are just plain awful.
if you add users to this list that cleary dont fit definition, or its obvious you just listed people who downvoted you, I WILL block you from wiki. How about you read the article instead of having some loose defintion about 'retarded'? MasterSitsu
should go both ways i think
- retarded (adj.) relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development; exhibiting a significantly below-normal global intellectual capacity as an adult; tested as having an intelligence quotient (I.Q.) below 75 or 70. (see "handicapped") (slang) to lack or appear to lack the ability to demonstrate logical cognitive reasoning within certain situations; to continuously and/or deliberately make illogical decisions and/or give incorrect answers. (see "stupid")
spotting a narv
deleted it, i dont think its very accurate. at all. talk here before making it again. - MasterSitsu
- Well if we're going to take that out we should do something about the bad music taste area. I'm sure there's more than that. --OMG HAX 18:42, August 16, 2006 (CDT)
A lot of the points raised were invalid, but there is definitely more than can be added here. BTape 21:44, August 16, 2006 (CDT) - i just dont want that big list of alleged NARV music taking up all that space. it gives people the impression it has precendence over many of the other big points, i think it was causing a lot of the misconceptions. people dont reaed the 'however these fads are not indistinguishable' part and assume they are all just flat out NARV status. by having the link and highlighting that quote hopefully that can be corrected. also the less listy crap to scroll through the better. if people care to know they'll click the link, if you want to alter that page or make a sperate page give it a shot.
This is Not a Downvoters List
Onel I don't think is really a NARV as much as he is a split voting angry ranter. This is best shown in his comments on sites about Ebaums world showing he is obviously just trying to piss people off
- Is m912solid (see comments) a NARV, a downvoter, or just an asshat? --OMG HAX! 19:33, August 24, 2006 (CDT)
Hmm well he has seemed to pull a Xiu judging by his votes and comments so I would say attention whore.--MarcusTheMartin 21:06, August 24, 2006 (CDT)
The account is extremely suspicious though,I guess it was deleted,since he "joined" today. --St205 12:18, August 25, 2006 (CDT)
The User Blizzard I don't think belongs in the list since it is said he downvotes all non World of Warcraft sites It is possible he is just an attention whore--MarcusTheMartin 06:10, August 31, 2006 (CDT)
What about n4rvst(sp)? He's a troll,downvoter,etc.. so maybe he doesnt qualify for the NARV list anymore? St205 17:34, September 7, 2006 (CDT)
Then it's time we create...A NEW LIST! Maplejet 07:57, September 29, 2006 (CDT)
... Or perhaps the opposite. We need to make just one list, a Shitlist of sorts. Like perhaps a Wall of Shame? --Rylasasin 16:30, December 29, 2006 (CST)
people keep adding these. what did ollj do to offend? his vote history shows almost the same number of votes per number. perhaps you find him a disagreable voter, but i dont see NARVism. as for sexymofo, he is a plain ol' downvoter. he splits entirely between 1 and 5, but he doesnt upvote 'epic' or 'nedm' or vital things that NARV do.
hahaha this is great
sexymofo is a "famouser" as sitsu calls them, a downvoter basically however ollj downvotes every other site on U&C whenever he makes a site so he can stay on top, and he makes sites with stolen images/sound - well the latter describes a "parasite", not a NARV. update: ollj has been removed as admin of the ytmnd wiki by fyrestorm for petty downvoting as he has been caught doing in the past several times (changing all votes to 1's if he disagrees with anything a user says) Note that ollj can be described accurately both by the "parasite" label and by the "NARV" label. His sites make him a parasite, while his voting pattern shows him to be a NARV as well.
- SexyMovo is an NARV, but he's more of an attention whore really. Nobody takes his votes seriously (although a mini-fad based on him was made). Crazyswordsman 19:01, August 21, 2006 (CDT)
NEDM belongs here
Why delete it? It defines the NARV movement like nothing else does. -NEDM, as any fad, has poorly made sites that contribute to the fad in a negative way, but not in the same volume as sites commonly considered problematic in relation to NARVs. NEDM continues to contain worthwhile spinoffs, whereas epic, emo, and other defined NARV sites do not or rarely do at all.
- After seeing "Fails for no NEDM" written on Picard Song, this anonymous contributor does have a point. Crazyswordsman 19:01, August 21, 2006 (CDT)
Even though the needs more NEDM comments are extremely annoying I still enjoy the fad. It is just some odd cult thing I guess(even though it will most likely kill the fad).--MarcusTheMartin 06:17, August 22, 2006 (CDT)
Sup fellow narv-haters
I added a bit to the article. Put the "lol, ___" fad in to the commonly-NARV'd fads, and differentiated between noob and NARV as MasterSitsu has said on the comment log for SoM's ytnnd site.
i like this NARV thing because it makes me feel superior, but a couple points. NARVs are 'Voters,' but we mock their site making habits as well? not a problem, but i feel it should be clarified. Eon8 is a stupid fad, but i don't believe it belongs on this list. sites that i think should be added are googlefights, smarterchilds, santabots, and the like.
this is the best article on the site. (Smoothmedia 02:53, July 13, 2006 (CDT))
"NARV" has come to mean more than just the voters, perhaps NARSC (new age retarded site creators) is more apt for part of this, but creating more words while this one is just gaining steam... i dont know.
lol, ego-feeding
Great. You can make fun of people on the internet. YTMND = serious business, lol.
Could it be that you're just dicks?
This page seems like something Adverb would make.
- Maybe, but sometimes, you just feel really, fucking angry.
- At a website? Jesus. If you get angry at a thosand people you don't even know, what's the point? Why not just leave?
- Dunno
- Instead of flaming people for no reason, why don't you accept that they've been there since the beginning of YTMND? I think we all remember Josh Ballard, hmm?
- Dunno
- At a website? Jesus. If you get angry at a thosand people you don't even know, what's the point? Why not just leave?
eh the point is to get the word out. at one point I think every ytmnd user starts off as a NARV/maker of NARV sites and if we can promote the idea that those sites are not funny at all, hopefully people will be less inclined to make them.
- Through the Wiki, which no one ever uses? Why not just force an anti-NARV fad? XD Also, someone seems to have deleted the opposition section to the site. Explanation please? The remainder is a partisan opinion, clearly leaning one way.
the person who created the 'opposition' section, with its supposed 'lol elitism' catchphrase, was the only such person known to do such a thing. there has not being an uprising against the phrase because NARVs and Parasites dont know they are NARVs and parasites. Until a true movement is against the phrase, dont tamper with the wiki.
Hi. I was listed on this article as a NARV, for sourcing an image from b3ta and setting it to fad music. I credited both sources; I thought the combination of the blue ball theme and the well-tiled gif would create additional humour. I never claimed to create the image (I fully sourced it) and did not claim the music either (also fully sourced). Tell me, what about my ytmnd [1] specifically made it NARV fodder? AKismet 15:25, July 25, 2006 (CDT)
- That part of the article was deleted. You were not called a NARV, but your site was considered 'upvoted by NARVs' since in the past an edited gif not created by you would have not received that score - NARVs dont pay attention to site credits, or seem to even care when something is stolen ('stolen' being a gif posted on YTMND, even if credited, when a gif has been heavily edited by someone else)
" Why not just force an anti-NARV fad?"
Obviously you've missed the whole point of what hating NARVs is all about so log out now.
Shouldn't the average NARV site rating be 5? I'd have thought the NARVs would upvote each others sites.
I wouldn't call this ego-feeding. This is just name calling, pure and simple. People who've been with YTMND for 7 months want to make fun of people who just got here 6 months ago. The fact is, RV have been around since the beginning. There was nothing clever or original about editing KHAN and "stapler" into every goddamn wav file on the internet, but that crap still got 5'd as soon as there were 5's to give. Even if new users don't know from funny, there's no reason to keep a list here. If you're upset because the people on the list downvoted your site, you really need to grow up. Timeconsumer 00:49, August 24, 2006 (CDT)
thanks for not reading the article where it says this type of behavior is not new to YTMND. Thanks so very much for getting upset first. MasterSitsu
Design on this page
Fellow contribs, be careful with the layout the Table. Template is tricky
! - the exclamations on the top are for each column across (three !'s mean 3 columns)
| - each line is a row nomination (there are four sets of | descriptions, each follow the ! column, except the 4th and last which defines a row color background) nutnics 01:03, August 3, 2006 (PST)
I changed the image back to the baby with computer. It's just plain better and I'm pretty damn possessive about it. The "new" drawing just doesnt fit. MasterSitsu
I put in Xiu in the list. Feel free to edit/delete if anything. --St205 20:19, August 20, 2006 (CDT)
I personally don't think Xiu is a NARV as much as an upvoter turned attention whore.--MarcusTheMartin 20:54, August 20, 2006 (CDT)
He has the qualifications to be NARV,but he/she only spams comments and downvotes/upvotes if it feels like it. So you're right. MasterSitsu took it off the list though. --St205 16:13, August 21, 2006 (CDT)
I took him off the list as he's now just an Attention Whore. No evidence of genuine stupidity or retardedness in the NARV defined sense... he was an upvoter, now he's a downvoter - his vote split is because of altered attention whore-dom, not because he only likes or dislikes sites. He's pretty much defined in the 'downvoter' wiki under types as 'attention whore' --MasterSitsu
- Might as well post this here.. I believe whitestreak is an Attention Whore, because of his comments. I did not add him to the NARV list due to his repetitive comments.... Which make me think that if theirs a large group of Attention Whore, shouldn't their be an article created for them, or a sub article inside the Downvoter Article? --Southpark 15:48, August 31, 2006 (CDT)
Hmmm from the looks of it,it might be an alt account for massive trolling. Truly an attention whore like Sexymofo,etc... I thought that a sub-article for the attention whore character was already posted?--St205 15:07, September 1, 2006 (CDT)
- I only see a sub section mentioning attention whores, but I just recently thought my idea would be bad... it would give more attention to the attention whores.. I did not think that one through.--Southpark 21:08, September 1, 2006 (CDT)
Specifacation Of Whom Exactly Is A NARV
Although the basic idea of a NARV is a retarded upvoter/downvoter whom is from the '06 generation, but although a good classifacation, is it specific enough? What of the retarded voters of pre-06? Even more noted, what of the people whom only vote and comment on sites that they deem either really good, or really bad? It's hard to specificly class the group NARV, simply because of the diversity of the people who inhabit YTMND, so maybe a. Just my two dollars and fifty cents. --dropkick
Music Taste
- Is Super mario bros or super mario world ending? --Midolf 11:29, September 6, 2006 (CDT)
They mostly use,the Super Mario World fast ending. Or the other one. St205 17:32, September 7, 2006 (CDT)
More voting classification?
Would a NARV also have a biased average vote, even though they vote 2,3,and 4? By that I mean, if they have an average over 4 or below 2, would that make them a NARV?--Dhaos 21:04, September 9, 2006 (CDT)
Look for a major spilt in votes between 1 and 5 if it looks like a thumbs up/thumbs down rating system is being used then you could say that user is a NARV--MarcusTheMartin 23:12, September 9, 2006 (CDT)
"NARV" is dumb
I fucking hate this elitist term NARV. You know who else glorifies their salad days? Republicans. You people make me sick.
Who can forget the good ol' days of YTMND? Ah, sweet 2005, those glory times when everything was clean and simple, and the hardest choice a young lad or laddette had to make was Batman vs. Picard. Before all these fucking NARVs came along and fouled the whole works up! YOU GOOD SIRS HAVE SULLIED YTMND, the Internet gem of the early-mid '00s. Oh, 2004, gentle 2004, when all sites were actually milled by hand by master YTMND artisans on 386 DXs with 12 megs of RAM. Those were heady times. And the music! So diverse in origin, from all corners of the globe - marimbas, zithers, and the very harp of a Jew! Not like now, with the accursed NARVs and their sped-up Super Mario World endings and Wah-wah-wuh-wah-awwwww Price is Right special effects. To this day I will still sort by date and peruse those precious treats from 2004. All priceless! Go back and see for yourself, and I guarantee you'll spend hours engrossed, just laughing and masturbating. Yes, YTMND would be virtually destroyed, were it not for the valiant efforts of ideologically-motivated YTMNDers. They, surely, are the ones who keep this site bearable; voting 2, 3, and 4 to uphold a moral standard that the younger generation has long ago abandoned, all the while putting filthy NARVs in their place with sanctimonious good-ol-boy moralizing. God bless them.
In conclusion: fuck this concept.
Brdude 10:39, September 10, 2006 (CDT)
I think I just got owned.--Inkdrinker 13:33, September 10, 2006 (CDT)
"In conclusion: fuck this concept." - But it sounds like you agree with it too. And you really shouldn't be masturbating to YTMNDs. :P --Nutnics 15:17, September 10, 2006 (PST)
His point was that we're masturbating to an idealized past and our sense of superiority. And while I can't get around how much I dislike the people we call NARVs - their gleeful aping of things that've been old a long time, their idea that a ranking system is only to make people feel better, their rank hypocrisy on "downvoting" and theft of material, their general inability to spell and their total failure to think of anything other than a linear sequence of events as art - I have to admit he has a point and since brdude is one of the few users who has any opinion I respect about anything at all, I have to give it some consideration. Which leads me to this: Is there anything at our disposal that we can make use of to make a more positive push for new users to experiment with the form of the YTMND? Something other than the typical comments, votes, sponsorship etc? What if we make a blatantly editorially biased "pick of the week/month" page that finds a site that really breaks/broke the mold with an in-depth look at what separates it from "NARV" fare. I don't think it's enough, but build off the idea if you have something...--Inkdrinker 18:52, September 10, 2006 (CDT)
Perhaps someone forgot to read the top of the article. Here's what it says:
- NARVs seem to be inexperienced and their influence can be attributed to the rise in votes for relatively novice sites that would have never reached popularity in the hey-day of YTMND's past.
- NARVs seem to have no knowledge of YTMND history or the classics that define the tone of the website at large, and have no desire to learn, unlike the common noob.
- NARV-like behavior is not entirely new to YTMND.
- …by rising in numbers they have justified each others stealing of already well known "funny pictures" from sites throughout the Internet, be they from other YTMND users (see Parasite), 4chan, b3ta, SomethingAwful, screenshots of bizarre news stories, and so forth.
- NARVs are not unique to YTMND, either. Any site that features “original” content and a voting system is vulnerable to NARV invasions. See: YTMND NARV becomes a YouTube NARV. (WARNING: extreme NARVism)
- NARVs seem to enjoy overdone fad music, such as Axel F, The Price is Right "failure" sound, the Super Mario World sped-up ending song, Ghost Love Score by Nightwish, "Requiem for a Tower (The Two Trailers soundtrack)", "Untitled" by Simple Plan, Final Fantasy and other RPG soundtracks, Max Coveri's "Running in the Ninties", or older YTMND "fad" songs that have long been retired.
- NARVs create and cluster around fad sites that require the least amount of work, continuing to make and upvote them long after the fad has peaked.
- NARVs quickly obliterate fads by attaching gifs posted many times before on YTMND with the new fad music, creating a "double unoriginality" syndrome that experienced YTMNDers find unbearable.
Please read the article before bashing it to oblivion. But I love how you went off on a tangent and compared NARV critics to Republicans (even though Dick Cheney never had to worry about someone stealing his Picard GIF...oh wait, he doesn't; I guess your logic fails...wanna call the critics Gay Anime Furry Nazis next?). --OMG HAX! 19:40, September 10, 2006 (CDT)
brdude, I've talked to you through actual email and you've said actual things that should indicate that you basically AGREE with what NARV was supposed to do. Many users are throwing the term around REALLLLLLLLLY loosely, but if you actually read the article about how NARVs have ALWAYS existed and that now they just seem to be in greater numbers, how a 'narv' is different from a 'noob' - that it does not come from an elitist place at all. I rarely use "NARV" as a put-down unless I really believe it - for the vast part of it, if i use it at all, its just a very tiny word to call a spade a spade rather than "theres this guy that registered a couple months ago and he doesnt get classic ytmnds and he keeps making lol ytmnds" - by the way, as evidence of how loosely and subjectively some are using the term, theres a user who registered in July who on my 'dew' page claimed it was upvoted by NARVs. yeah. really. At the end of the day, "NARV" was an insider term among users both well known and unknown just to describe certain user types we did not like. It got spread so all we can do is be here to educate and hopefully control its use so it doesnt just describe downvoters people hate. MasterSitsu
- Well, don't get me wrong. I hate fools, and I hate people who lack the context to properly appreciate my sites :) But by the counts described here, I am in many ways a NARV. I have used over-done fad music. I have stolen content from other sites that I did not create and re-packaged it for YTMND and expected it to be taken as seriously as the stuff I've made "from scratch", although it's all basically stolen to one extent or another. I have based the majority of my YTMND career on being a "bottom feeder." I mean, I'd like to think that my re-interpretations of fads have been more interesting than most, but there are others who would certainly disagree with me on that count as well (fucking NARVs). And, to top it off, almost all of my votes are 1s or 5s. I think if NARV was/is a useful term, it will soon need to be presented as a term significant of a specific era within YTMND, as its misuse is apt to become more widespread, especially amongst the nouveau-entitled.
- I have always considered myself a late-comer to YTMND. We are all late-comers, but it's cool because it doesn't matter who you are on YTMND, it matters if your YTMND hits the "5" part of the brain of the largest part of the audience of YTMND. Which does suck, but is also oddly democratizing. In specific response to Inkdrinker's proposal, I'm more into the idea of clubs or guilds or something within YTMND that is some sort of alternative to the Main Page, which is sort of broken (although thanx for all the upvotes, ya'll my peeps.) Just anything, basically, to keep the egalitarian nature of YTMND while introducing a dynamic way to encourage all sorts of new states of the art. Otherwise, we'll have to take matters into our own hands. ANARCHYTMND --Brdude 22:15, September 10, 2006 (CDT)
brdude, you're one of the last people i'd call a NARV. sure you've had fad sites, but so have I and most others. its not about making fad sites, its about pressing on dead fads and in many cases split voting (which in my opinion is a big reason why top sites are all 4.6 instead of 4.1 - 4.3 as it used to be) - hell, I'm more of a NARV than you are if we go by that standard though. you only vote on what you like pretty much, and during my first months I split votes a lot and only after time started voting more responsibly (by my own standard that is). But even the sites you've made with YTMND, etc, have had their own distinctive stamp on them, usually your way of handling effects (zooming in and out of things seems to be your trademark)... seriously though, if you honestly count yourself among NARVs you either have a serious inferiority complex or just havent paid close enough attention to what YTMNDs been like the past couple months while you've been viewing YTMND less. you seriously mistake the poitns on the article about stealing content and resubmitting, i'm talking about when a gif is posted on YTMND to original music, but then a 'ridin spinnaz' version is made and then within seconds theres a 'wonderful time', 'break my stride', 'epic maneuver' and 'right round' ytmnd of the same gif. THATS a NARV move, not what you do. --MasterSitsu 3am EST, September 11, 2006 (NEVAR4GET)
People should at least try to create their own submissions. I admit that acccess to image editors, and advanced software is not possible for most ytmnders, however SOME alteration must take place, and a simple message must be 'New' for the submission to have validity. You can't just grab a gif from (gifdump, 4chan, google, stormtrooper thrusting) and slap it on here with some overused music and call it unique, because it's not. Don't worry about being narvish on some accounts too, because I 5 all the fucking time, because there is a lot of awesome shit on here. This article is meant to explore the nature of New Age Retarded Voting and it's effect on YTMND. We try to steer away from unabashed ridicule, but it can bleed over into elitism when compared to the ideal of the "Perfectly unique submission". No matter how you cut it though, this voting and 'redundant' submission trend exists. --Nutnics 10:49 pm, September 10, 2006 (PST)
- As far as the small groups thing goes, my other account has something like that going with some of my favorite users. We've got this kind of collective going, and while we'll still never get mass acceptance or see the front page get better, I do enjoy it a lot more than I did giving a damn what the front page thought.--Inkdrinker 23:17, September 10, 2006 (CDT)
All right, I've tried to use this discussion to inform a series of edits to NARV I've just made. --Brdude 14:26, September 14, 2006 (CDT)
- Good revisions brdude --Nutnics 4:27 pm, September 14, 2006 (PST)
In my humble opinion, people should be able to vote however the hell they want, as long as they're not dicks about it. Look at MY votes, thousands of fives and about 100 1-4s combined, because to be honest, I'm just too damn lazy to vote for sites I don't like. Now, if they're making stupid comments to go along with their split votes, then yeah, they're a NARV, but if their only crime is voting the extremes and nothing else, leave them be. RySenkari
BRdude's comment up there is the best thing I have read on here. Although I wasn't here in the "good ole days" of YTMND, I get tired of this misplaced nostalgia and hearing about how great it was before the f*ggy short films ruined the site. I guess I missed out on the glorious times when a horrible frame complete with timecode from Revenge of the Sith combined with a shoddily ripped audio full of clips can make the Hall of Fame. What a triumph that site was. Do people really think that YTMND would still be alive if all it was was one-liners from Office Space and stolen DarkMateria songs? Not that this has anyting to do with NARVS --Improviser
I've Been Shown the Light
Yeah. Apparently, I used to be a NARV. I left YTMND for like a couple of months or so and I got much smarter in that time. I figured out that Family Guy wasn't funny, the Simpsons weren't funny anymore, that cameo appearances aren't funny, and that most of this stuff on YTMND that's praised so much isn't funny either. I used to give 5s for efforts, but, that was when I was a NARV. I'm De-NARVing my votes as we speak. :D
Whee... I'm one-ing more and five-ing less!
--Dhaos 16:44, September 14, 2006 (CDT)
Another NARV?
This guy appears to be a split voter and his comments are very immature. Not sure if this qualifies as a NARV. Maplejet 07:00, September 20, 2006 (CDT)
Judging by the comments I'd say its a gimmick account--MarcusTheMartin 07:22, September 20, 2006 (CDT)
You know,there are popping sexymofo-like accounts all over. Look for:"Nugget" & "Feelings"(rofl,look at its comments).--St205 14:38, September 28, 2006 (CDT)
I think we should put up a list of these style of people. We need a new name. Maplejet 05:56, September 29, 2006 (CDT)
You could call them vinnabees *crickets chirp* get it wannabe vinny weapons *crickets chirp* --MarcusTheMartin 07:36, September 29, 2006 (CDT)
We could also call them "New age retarded voters" .... oh wait. --Rylasasin 15:21, December 28, 2006 (CST)
Why I added NEDM
NEDM is probably one of the most bottom-fed fads of them all. It’s pure effort free. All you ever need to do is make a simple YTMND that can be about anything, and then put in something like “NEDM”, “Happycat”, or “Chapstick”. That’s it. No effort at all. And no, the fad is not dead. It's still alive but it's being kept alive in a NARV way.
Really because the NEDM site I made seemed to consist of more than that, not to mention as for it being still alive its on life support with no chance to recover unless max gets arrested for burning kittens. I wouldn't consider this a NARV fad but more so a cult fad.--MarcusTheMartin 22:52, September 30, 2006 (CDT)
Regardless this debate on wether or not NEDM belongs here has allready happend (scroll up) it still has potential for decent spinoffs before it finally kicks the bucket--MarcusTheMartin 07:21, October 1, 2006 (CDT)
- NEDM is not really a NARVish fads...most NEDM sites involve some effort of some sort. Maplejet 13:07, October 6, 2006 (CDT)
Actually I see that a lot of the people who do Anti-NEDM are Narvs too. Like that Twistedbarney fellow. --Rylasasin 15:17, December 28, 2006 (CST)
Category: NARVish Fads
Not sure if you are aware of it, but I made a new category for fads. Any fad that are considered "NARVish" should go there. Do not abuse it me, Picard, Conan, and Poland are not NARVish fads. Maplejet 13:08, October 6, 2006 (CDT)
- I'm fine with that. –It's Smiddle, LOL · What is Talk Page? · KHAAANTRIBUTIONS! 13:39, October 6, 2006 (CDT)
- Please check out the NARVish fads category during your free time. Maplejet 10:14, October 9, 2006 (CDT)
Proof the NARVs have taken over
^^That site has a 4.3 rating. I rest my case. --Dhaos 12:55, November 4, 2006 (CST)
Just because you can't handle the awesomeness of that site dosen't mean every one else is a NARV. You are proof that the term NARV has been distorted beyond recognition --MarcusTheMartin 13:54, November 4, 2006 (CST)
Dr-L337 has fans, and there are a lot of people who simply think that it took a shitload of work to make, which it clearly did. just look at it. to me, is the proof NARVs have taken over. image from another humor site plus amazingly overdone fad music somehow equals a 4.5 - funny or not, in YTMND's heyday we would not reward recycled garbage with such a rating. that site embarrasses me and YTMND. syncan even said on it "YTMND is Dead" and it makes me wonder myself. - MasterSitsu, Nov 4 06
- Seconded what Sitsu said. Most of these 1337 are SFFs that require some shitload of work...NARVs can not handle it. rapistsearch is the real proof. I even asked him to change the music a few times, but he refused. Pity, I would have given it a 3 if he changed the music. Maplejet 16:09, November 8, 2006 (CST)
- On a different note though, can someone explain what this "HIVE" thing is all about?Maplejet 16:11, November 8, 2006 (CST)
Ultimately the hive thing in my eyes is a gimmick at getting views in exchange for a drop in overall site rating. The users that wont get into the hall of fame have to leave their mark on ytmnd somehow and the hive is the perfect way to do it.--MarcusTheMartin 23:53, November 9, 2006 (CST)
Well, I'm kind of new to this, but I added breckenridge. Check him out.
Dali 03:59, November 15, 2006 (CST)
What would you say about this guy?
He seems to like to make sites in which he records himself talking about how much Family Guy sucks and likes to use the same fart sound. He has also e-venged me.
I would agree with that. This guy seems to do nothing but split vote and harass other users. --MikeLowrie 11:29, November 26, 2006 (CST)
This user, asscock, would he be really considerate as a narv? Since he has post some stolen material and is a serious downvoter.--ShadowSTL 12:32, November 28, 2006 (CST)
I added myself because I 1 ytmnds before the preloader is done loading --Adair 07:40, November 30, 2006 (CST)
Where's max?
Or is he a NAJV?--AnYoNe 14:14, November 30, 2006 (CST)
Is GOSFreak a more NARV or not? --Artman40 11:23, December 6, 2006 (CST)
good enough for me. - MasterSitsu - Dec 6, 2006 - if you want to add him to the list put him in place of user "NARV" which was just an attention whore account and not true NARVdom. in the future instead of list adds we should just refine the one we have for the most extreme cases.
Not sure if he's a NARV or a parasite, but he has godawful sites and PM'd random people to upvote his sites because the ratings were so low... I can't stand users like that, I mean who really gives a shit about ratings? He also got into an argument with idownvotethieves on one of his comment pages that was SO hilarious I think it deserves attention... you can see it at . I agree we need to tighten up the list a bunch, remove users that have gone inactive, etc. Also hay Sitsu, sup bb. HeatherChandler 07:23, December 7, 2006 (CST)
Approved! - Sitsu, Dec 7
This guy momthinksimcool has used the burning cat gif over 100 times in his sites. I also suspect he uses the nameMaxGoldberg as an alt account. I already put him as a parasite and YTMND sites that should be killed. What do you guys think?ShadowSTL 15:51, December 11, 2006 (CST)
- Kill the f*cker! Bluurrgh! 16:17, December 11, 2006 (CST)
he's just a regular ol troll, and he loves this sort of attention. ignore him. - Sitsu
Yeah that's the best thing to do. Will just have to wait until a mod can get around to him.ShadowSTL 12:52, December 12, 2006 (CST)
hes already on the parasite list. No need to add him here.--Rylasasin 16:16, December 29, 2006 (CST)
uhh for your consideration of me as a narv (although to be fair sitsu wasn't calling me one) but maxgoldberg is already on the narv list as escape (a friend of mine)
uhh yeah shadow you shouldn't be talking about vote spread, you may not be a split voter, but you're hardly even --momthinksimcool 16:57, May 11, 2007 (CDT)
TwistedBarney... Narv? Or somthing else?
Here are my reasons.
- Split voter (though mostly downvoter)
- Keeps making shocksites that use the same Lemonpary-isk sick image. I'm guessing hes trying to Take up NEDM domainnames.
- Belived to have upvoting alt-accounts.
- Evenger.
TheManWithNoFace is a split voter (mostly down) and posts "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" on all of the sites he comments on.
As you can see from my recent vote ratings, I am clearly making an effort to vote evenly, and also I have stopped lashing out against people. I kindly ask if I can please be removed from the NARV list. Thank you. BubbytheTourG 22:49, January 8, 2007 (CST)
- I have permission to take it out... proof right here... BubbytheTourG 00:59, January 10, 2007 (CST)
Well, spotted as an e-venger and split-voter. Judge for yourselves.
split voter and e-venger. leaves brash comments about users. Possible alt account or someone who doesn't garner enough attention in real life. --Centralbandit 20:39, February 5, 2007 (CST)
moderate split voter, but also revenge votes. most notably calls other people NARVs despite his own behavior.
NARV concept is shit
What, we call someone retarded because he votes like he just wants? Idiotic. Let users vote like they want, not rely on groupthink. And fuck about splitvoters, they are not narvs.
since you were anonymous and didnt give your YTMND name, should we assume you're a splitvoter? there are some YTMND split voters who i wouldnt call narvs because they've actually contributed valuable material to the site to prove otherwise, but for the most part, yes, ignoring the complete range of something being good or not makes one retarded in the eyes of many users. - see this site - it's on max's favorites list for a good reason. - MasterSitsu
P.S. if i were to guess i'd say you were macio based on the timing of your comment and your fabricated wiki name not matching any YTMND name
- this 'nonarvs' guy, aka macio i can pretty much confirm now since he deleted this section and vandalized my user page, is hilarious. way to vandalize my user page not knowing i'm a mod.
The problem in my opinion with the narv concept isn't that split voting isn't a bad thing but that it's kind of arbitrarily applied to new users while older users are ignored. The problem with split voting is that the person is trying to have disproportional affect on the rating of a ytmnd by up voting or down voting rather than voting accurately and letting everyone have an equal say --momthinksimcool 17:00, May 11, 2007 (CDT)
He hardly votes, but all of his votes as of this day are 4 's, 29
's, and just one mere
, but I wouldn't consider him a split-voter. His sites however, are "similar to what you feed to your toilet" (-my userpage). Most of his site are badly MS Panted. Others consist of stolen content from other sites where he cites the sources as "YTMND". Take this site for example. Or would this make him more of a parasite? Also, what I am going to say is true, he is 8 years old! That's right! 5 years underage.
This page makes the entire ytmndwiki into a joke
Come ON, we couldn't have our fun with dead nigger storage/ kill bill but this fucktarded e-vengery is actually ENCOURAGED? So, so lame, it's hard lame. HeatherChandler 16:55, February 28, 2007 (CST)
- This Encyclopedia on YTMND is not meant to be "fun". Its meant to provide users (particularly newer users) with information about YTMND. Also, how is this "e-vengery"? --Giggity Giggity 13:26, March 4, 2007 (CST)
- the list was initially intended as having lots of examples so people could figure out what the term was all about by example. it eventually got to a length that only seems like e-venging, which is why we have basically shut the list off with at best leaving talk page for such matters. people who clearly are using the NARV wiki for e-venging get auto banned. they are warned as such by the wiki article but they dont read it apparently - Sitsu
Although that user submits high-rated sites, cooke is mostly a splitvoter and upvotes/downvotes for no sensible reason (see comments). Also a bit of e-venger. Should cooke go in the list, too?--Artman40 06:53, March 4, 2007 (CST)
- a user who has contributed to YTMND over and over again is probably safe from such an overall label. Kassius and typogra for example are also very split voters. so no. - Sitsu
Who removed Iambatman?
I didn't add him to this list out of anger, I added him because I thought he desearved to be here. I mean, he makes a ton of alterations to NARV fads like lol.- Jake
Many people may have already heard of this pest. Many call her "The Rosie O'Donnell of YTMND". I think coolchick1794 is a pure NARV. She has done many idiotic stuff:
- All she does on YTMND is whine and complain. Sure many people, even some good users, do that, but coolchick1794 does nothing but. Take a look at her sites and comments.
- Always deals with trolls the wrong way, by making narvish sites about them. She thinks she's so popular because she keeps poorly editing the "Fart Button" banner ad to make it say "The Ban <name of troll> Button". Many are annoyed by it. In addition, she actually thinks her "The Ban deedeedeer Button" led to his downfall, which was very unlikely.
- Massive split voter.
- Tried to self-sponser and vandalize user pages on the Wiki until fyrestorm blocked her for life (thanks fyrestorm).
- Massive hypocrite because she always complains about comment spammers, yet she acts just like them. She use to say sexymofo's dreaded phrase, but currently her comments are "Two words: You rock!" (when upvoting), "Two words: You suck." (when downvoting), and "Meh." (when midvoting).
There could be a lot more about her, but I may have forgot about them.
I agree with this. Enspecially since she didn't listen to me when I told her to stop self-promoting herself.-Jake
Personally I'm not sure NARV is the right label. Your-worst-nightmare 20:14, July 16, 2007 (CDT)
I just found out what a NARV is, and I am # 14 on the list...
Dear lord, what can be done to save myself? I admit I fit the description of a NARV quite well, even if some of the descriptions of a NARV seems contridictory. What is the definition of the practice of e-venging? I beg of you, convert me before I do more harm to the site I love. - SenatorZuul
- Well, Id say just clean up your sites of all Narv Fads and don't e-venge. You should be fine. --Giggity Giggity 13:19, March 26, 2007 (CDT)
Well that might help, still what the hell is e-venging? -Zuul
- Revenge voting, and it really pisses people off. --Before creating a talk page, verify that there's an article for it. Sign your comments with 4 tildes (this-guy)
buttlover possible NARV?
Well he should be considered an NARV cause he has a long history of mainly voting one star on YTMND's acompinied with the comment SPAM repeated 26 times. --SU182 01:05, April 4, 2007 (CDT)
Does anyone mind if I?
I make a non related comment about Escape on his narv line. He's a sweetheart friend of mine and was banned a long time ago and is no longer really a threat, but it would hurt his feelings to take his name off, and all i want to add is something along of the lines of " escape qtpie sweetheart and mtic's fav ytmdner" or something. Keep in mind that I asked for permission first and he's not really a threat. I don't think we always have to deal with these things with a heavy sense of moral absolutism I mean we're all here to have fun anway. (since i don't really know who would be giving permission for this i'll leave this up for a day or 2 and then add it if no one objects, and we can change it later if necessary).
Please don't take his name off though even if you disagree with me doing this because it's not my right to disrupt his ytmnd record --momthinksimcool 17:10, May 11, 2007 (CDT)
I'm just going to jump the gun and add it because I can't imagine a scenerio in which anyone would have to read his description, or would be destracted by what I add. If anyone doesn't like it I appologize and feel free to change it.