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Date of first site
Diablo II's Death has a Sense of Humor?, created December 4, 2005
December 4, 2005
Avg. site rating: ***
Avg. vote rate: **** of November 17th, 2006
Notable Sites:
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I tend to stay towards non-animated, classic-style YTMNDs with the occasional screenshot YTMNDs. Sadly, my best stuff (usually classic-style YTMNDs) gets downvoted by NARVs while my worst (screenshots) gets upvoted by the same people. lol, irony

I'm terrible with image-editing software, so most of my stuff is unedited, just like the YTMND that started it all. I'm currently working on getting better with Photoshop, though, so I'll probably get better over time.

Userbox05er.jpg This user joined YTMND in 2005.
Picardsong.jpg This user loves Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, and rooted for him in the Picard/Batman war.
Sfwzimmer.jpg You're gonna like the way you look. This user guarantees it.
Bushpoland.jpg 30 seconds! Well, actually this user remembered Poland!
Fairvoter45.gif This user does his/her best to vote fairly.
Yayfads45.jpg This user believes Fads on YTMND are a good thing.
Male45.jpg This user is Male.